
For Cloud Cortex Communications

For leading voice over IP systems, Mobile, internet access and so much more.

For Bright Blue Energy

We can save you £1000’s a year without changing your existing electricity supplier

Energy, Solar Power Solutions and EV charging points

Thanks for remembering my website “Henry Here” .co.uk which is a lot easier than remembering the spelling of my surname or long website addresses.

If you are contacting me in relation to my charitable / volunteering roles, please just fill in the contact page and this comes straight to my personal email account.

Henry Catherwood IFFS

At work, what is driving you around the bend?

Cloud Cortex Communications

To move to our main Cloud Cortex Communications website please follow this link by clicking here

Bright Blue Energy

We can save you £1000’s a year without changing your existing electricity supplier

Energy, Solar Power Solutions and EV charging points

For Mitton Lodge including information on masonry please click here

I am normally happy to pop in for a chat

All I mostly ask in return, is a coffee, white, no sugar please.


I (Henry) always answer my mobile phone, “Hello, Henry Here” so many years ago got the domain name.

When my team or I are out and about, [quite] often in a rugby club houses, chatting away and the conversation moves to charity / volunteering / business for a moment and neither of us have business cards, how do we get in contact? “Henry Here” .co.uk. Well that’s the plan and as you are here, it probably worked.
